Participation at our regatta is easy.  Every thing is taken care of. Even the yachts.

The Ibiza Regatta is meant for water sports enthousiasts. | regatta sailors |  yacht owners. |  Ibiza lovers. Race + Chill on the tropical Isle of white.

Yachts are provided for all teams registered. Or bring your own cruiser yacht (40-60 feet).

All what is needed is to fill in the entry form and make a downpayment (100% refundable until 01st of march) to obtain starting rights.

Through the entry form you inform us of your team name, crew size and whether a 3/4/5/cabin yacht is desired. Date of payment serves as priority in choosing a yacht.  The latter is done together with the race commitee.

Feel free to contact us for answering questions: book@ibizaregatta.com or whatsapp (ph:+31651097756).

Would you want to be part but do not like racing? Alternatively you can come with a yacht to only join our well-known social program.  This is the so called mother ship arrangement.

Let the enjoyment begin